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How to date the Holy Spirit 성령님과 교제하는 방법 영문판

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도서명How to date the Holy Spirit 성령님과 교제하는 방법 영문판
제품 구성낱권
목차 또는 책소개상세정보참조

  기본상품명 How to date the Holy Spirit 성령님과 교제하는 방법 영문판
  출판사 날개미디어
  저자/역자 김열방
  ISBN 978-89-91752-79-5
  출시일 2020-06-10
  크기/쪽수 신국판 216p

How to date the Holy Spirit


[ 책의 의도 ]

Do you love the Holy Spirit?




Do you love the Holy Spirit?

I love the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is my friend and lover.

I dated the Holy Spirit for a long time. The Holy Spirit is my everything. The Holy Spirit is my Lord, my God and my coach.

The purpose of this book is to help ordinary Christians receive guidance and help from personal fellowship with the Holy Spirit. This is very important because, as a matter of fact, God created men for the personal fellowship.

Movements of the Holy Spirit have come so far in many different forms. The core of the movements in 21st century, however, is to help each individual to meet the Holy Spirit and share fellowship of love with him, so that they can be transformed into the image of Christ. Although many people are thirsty for practical and specific ways to meet God, searching for them around the world, it is not easy to find any place to help them.

This book is written to help them to meet the Holy Spirit on a personal level and serve him in their lives. I have received many phone calls from ministers who have read this book. What they said was all same.

“We have done everything we could. We spent thousands of dollars in revival gatherings in the USA and Canada. But we have reached our limits now. The last thing we need is continuous guidance and anointment from the Holy Spirit. Please teach us how to have personal fellowship with the Holy Spirit.”

I am thankful that many pastors have encouraged their congregations to read this book. I was surprised to hear that many pastors of small and large churches introduced this book at their services so that their church members could try this book. One said, “I was praying after morning prayer meeting, and my pastor came to me and gave this book as a present.” And another confessed, “My pastor gave me this book when I was struggling with many irresolvable questions and problems.” One pastor even purchased over 100 copies and gave out to his fellow pastors and church members, and later purchased even more, dozens of copies, to use for evangelism. I am especially thankful to God that many churches and prayer houses nationwide have used this book for a training material. I am very grateful to those who have a humble heart, a thirst for the Holy Spirit, and a pure passion for all believers.

I have no idea how they got to know about this book. But even people from overseas called me to say gratitude. Someone even visited me in person. I do think that this book must be translated into all languages in the world and be a mustread book. Why? It is because God the Holy Spirit wants to meet each individual on a personal level to share fellowship of love. I wish this book may help all of you to enjoy fellowship, guidance and help of the Holy Spirit abundantly.


June 1, 2020Yeolbang Kim








[ 목차 ]







Do you love the Holy Spirit? / 3

Preface: 21st Century is the era of the Holy Spirit / 5

Introduction / 9



Chapter 1: See the face of the Holy Spirit


The one who is with me right here, right now / 15

Moses who saw the Holy Spirit face to face / 21

Worship is to see the Holy Spirit face to face / 22

Open your eyes to see the face of the Holy Spirit / 28

The secret of seeing the face of the Holy Spirit / 31

The blessed era of believing without seeing / 36

I am going away and I am coming back to you / 37

See the face of the Holy Spirit by the blood of Jesus / 42

Restore the fellowship with the Holy Spirit / 43

My friend, Jesus, is here / 44

Why should I always rejoice? / 47

The Holy Spirit is joy of my heart! / 49

Be filled with joy before the Lord / 50

Dance with the Holy Spirit / 54



Chapter 2: Talk with the Holy Spirit


The Friendship through daily conversations / 57

The Holy Spirit who loves me like one and only son / 61

The voice of the Holy Spirit gives us life / 63

God who shares a conversation with us / 64

The personal touch with Christ / 67

Take a walk with the Holy Spirit / 68

The voice of the Holy Spirit and the spiritual growth / 69

Holy Spirit, open my ears / 71

The voice of the Holy Spirit changes my life / 72

The Holy Spirit is the best teacher / 75

Holy Spirit, I love you / 77



Chapter 3: Serve the Holy Spirit


The Holy Spirit of Immanuel / 83

Christ in me / 86

Breathe with the Holy Spirit / 89

Strong Unity with the Holy Spirit / 91

The most valuable life / 93

The Lord is walking with me / 95

Set the Holy Spirit always before me / 97

Holy Spirit, shall we go? / 101

In all your ways, acknowledge the Holy Spirit / 103

When you serve the Holy Spirit, the king of kings / 109

Royal language and activities of angels / 110

Angels that encamp around loyalty / 112

Children of King! Exercise your authority / 113

When you are spiritually depressed / 118



Chapter 4: Seek help from the Holy Spirit


Where is the promised power? / 121

I wish I spoke in tongues / 123

Cosmic revolution / 124

Streams of living water will flow / 126

Be reborn as a child of king / 126

Grand change in my life / 128

Drive out demons by the power of the Holy Spirit / 130

Devote yourself to focused prayer / 131

You cant pray? It is an excuse. / 132

The Life led by the Holy Spirit is true success / 135

Only if the person of the Holy Spirit come / 136

Holy Spirit, please help me / 140

Magnificent Holy Spirit! / 144

Holy Spirit, the owner of all knowledge / 146

The Commission and help of the Holy Spirit / 149

Let the Holy Spirit move over your church / 151

The Holy Spirit who helps preachers / 153

He will give us late rains! / 155

Our chairman is a millionaire / 158

Holy Spirit is our coworker / 159

Jesus is there / 161

Holy Spirit is the power of resurrection / 162

Holy Spirit is the spirit of the LORD / 165

The Names of God and the Holy Spirit / 166

If you want to work with the Holy Spirit / 172

The secret of revealing an anointing / 173

Resist the devil / 180

Commanding prayer / 181

How should we command? / 185

Obey your lord, Holy Spirit / 188

Entrust outcomes to the Holy Spirit / 190

Dream of all nations with the Holy Spirit / 191


Conclusion / 195

Acknowledgments / 199

Lecture notes of the Holy Spirit seminar / 201

Photos from gatherings led by Pastor Yeol-bang Kim / 209

The Gospel of Heaven / 215






[ 본문에서 ]


21stCentury is the era of the Holy Spirit.




21st century is the era of the Holy Spirit.

“The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of wisdom and of understanding, the Spirit of counsel and of power, the Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD. He is the spirit of creation, the king of glory and king of kings. He is a Person.”

Numerous people study about the Holy Spirit. However, they are not aware of how to serve him with respect. As a result, he who has the highest pride is often ignored.

Though the Holy Spirit has come with dynamic power, it is useless if we do not know who he is and how to live with him. He came to us with power but we live lonely and powerless lives like orphans without our knowledge because we don’t know how to serve him. But we do need a center in our lives, something like a rock that won’t shake in this uncertain world that is changing so fast.

I have found and learned the personal fellowship from David who confessed, “I saw the Lord always before me. Because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken.” (Ac 2:25)

<How to date the Holy Spirit>, that I am about to explain, is very simple and easy. It might be too simple and easy that many people will be stunned.

This is not a theory but a practice. I divided this into four spiritual principles.


Principle 1: See the face of the Holy Spirit

Principle 2: Talk with the Holy Spirit

Principle 3: Serve the Holy Spirit

Principle 4: Seek help from the Holy Spirit


David saw the face of the Holy Spirit before him, shared the conversation of love, served him in all his ways, and absolutely relied on him. Even amidst unspeakable hardships, he was still able to say, “My heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will live in hope.” (Ac 2:26) If we are able to see the Holy Spirit and serve him in our lives, we will be filled with joy even in the valley of the shadow of death.

Paul received Jesus as Christ, dwelling in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith, and overflowing with thankfulness. We should also let Christ dwell in our hearts through faith, being rooted and established in love. Then we may be filled to the measures of all the fullness of God. (Eph 3:17~19)

I hope <How to date the Holy Spirit> can be part of your life so that the Holy Spirit, the spirit of Jesus, can be rooted in your faith. I pray that grace of God may be with you.



[ 저자 소개 ]


Yeol-bang Kim (김열방 )


Yeol-bang Kim is a pastor of

Seoul Shepherd Church in Korea.

He met the Holy Spirit at the age of twenty

and was given the power and grace

and wisdom of the Holy Spirit.

He is a best-selling author who has

written more than 70 books.

He is an evangelist who travels

around the world to preach the gospel.

He loves and likes the Holy Spirit.


Author's Contact : wgec21@daum.net


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배송 안내

  • 배송 방법 : 택배
  • 배송 지역 : 전국지역
  • 배송 비용 : 3,000원
  • 배송 기간 : 3일 ~ 7일
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교환 및 반품이 불가능한 경우
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- 포장을 개봉하였거나 포장이 훼손되어 상품가치가 상실된 경우
  (예 : 가전제품, 식품, 음반 등, 단 액정화면이 부착된 노트북, LCD모니터, 디지털 카메라 등의 불량화소에
  따른 반품/교환은 제조사 기준에 따릅니다.)
- 고객님의 사용 또는 일부 소비에 의하여 상품의 가치가 현저히 감소한 경우 단, 화장품등의 경우 시용제품을
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※ 고객님의 마음이 바뀌어 교환, 반품을 하실 경우 상품반송 비용은 고객님께서 부담하셔야 합니다.
  (색상 교환, 사이즈 교환 등 포함)

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